Glowing review of The Sledding Hill at Bookslut.
From Bookslut:
When I picked up The Sledding Hill, I knew that young adult author Chris Crutcher had been the target of several book banning organizations in the past. His title Whale Talk in particular has been challenged repeatedly primarily due to its “adult” language. Crutcher has become a very eloquent defender of First Amendment rights and developed a certain amount of notoriety that has transcended his own work. He firmly believes students should fight against censorship, especially when it comes to young adult literature, and on his website he offers numerous tools for teen readers to use. It is not necessary to know all of this about Crutcher before reading Sledding but it does help put the book into perspective. Because while The Sledding Hill is about many different things in the life of high school freshman Eddie Proffit, it is mostly a story of how and why censorship happens. In fact, this book is Chris Crutcher’s response to all those who have tried to silence him; it is his battle cry, and I flat out loved it.
Rock on. Everyone should love Chris Crutcher. Now go read Whale Talk. Right now.