Bookslut interviews my Secret Boyfriend*.

Yes.  This month's issue of Bookslut is up, and they've got Steve Almond:

SA: The novel is composed of alternating chapters, each of which is about a past relationship. So in that sense, I was writing "short story" size chunks of prose, with a familiar arc (boy meets girl, boy messes it up). That made things much easier. Focusing on just one aspect of the guy's life -- his romantic history -- helped me map out his other issues much more clearly. I'm sure if the book's structure had been more complicated, or I'd try to cast a wider net, I would have managed to fuck it up.

(The interview is actually also with Juliana Baggott, AKA N.E. Bode -- their new book, Which Brings Me to You, is due out at the end of next month.)

*Secret Boyfriend:  Boyfriend that doesn't know he's your boyfriend.

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