A defender of Spy High speaks his(?) piece. Very convincingly, I might add.

This was in my inbox this morning:

You cannot judge Spy High by the first book in the series, which is one of the worst of the 12. Try reading Series 2 sometime and get yourself an informed opinion, because right now you have zero credibility...and you come off as an arrogant prick. Good DAY sir. Or Ma'am.

Or probably both.

My (somewhat unnecessary, I think) response:

Dear Sir*,

If you go back and carefully read my review, you'll notice that I didn't say a word about the quality of the rest of the books.  I reviewed Book One of Series One.  I stand by my review.  The characters are cliched and the dialogue is terrible.

That doesn't mean that I don't understand why so many people enjoy them.  Or that I'm saying that people shouldn't enjoy them.  Who am I to say what people should and shouldn't like?  My reviews are purely my opinion -- they're about what I do and don't like. 

Oh, also:  The next time you attempt to convince someone to re-think their opinion, name-calling is probably not the best way to go about it.

Leila Roy

PS.  I'm a Ma'am.

*As you didn't see fit to sign your charming missive, I'm assuming you are a 'Sir' due to your e-mail address.  My apologies if I'm wrong.