"Green Mountains and Me" -- Slaid Cleaves

Yesterday, I walked into Bull Moose meaning to buy the new Lucinda Williams record*, and walked out with... well, a few more than that.

Including Slaid Cleaves' Everything You Love Will Be Taken Away, which I didn't even know had been released**. I tend towards storyteller singer-songwriters -- people who can tell a story in a three or four minutes -- and for me, Slaid Cleaves is pretty high up on the list.

(Stephen King, by the way, agrees with me. He wrote an introduction to the album, which warms my withered little heart.)

Anyway, on the way into work today, this song came on and almost had me in tears by the end -- why I then proceeded to listen to it twice more, I don't know:

"People on the street used to stop and chat/ Now they look down and walk on by..." That line wrecks me -- the isolation and loneliness of grief in two lines.

Long story short, I haven't even gotten to the Lucinda album yet.


*CD. Album. Whatever. You know what I mean.

**I'm way behind on my music buying.

A/VLeila RoyComment